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Written by: Swastika Kusumawati
Sakura Bonsai?! The Mini Size of a Sakura Tree!
Talking about spring in Japan, what’s the first thing that popping out in your mind?
Yes, you’re right!
It’s the Japanese iconic flower that always is waited every year by many people around the world as the symbol of renewal and beauty. From windy cold winter into heart-warming spring, from withered trees into rich and colorful trees that renew our motivation, our dream, and our endurance!
The hanami (sakura-viewing) was one of the most popular events in Japan, but the pandemic outbreak forbids us to have the same hanami style as we had to, picnic under the sakura trees enjoying foods and talk with friends, despite only passing through and take a picture in a hurry.
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Sakura Bonsai To Cheers Your Hanami at Home
Some people in Japan has a unique yet good way to enjoy sakura viewing event without the need to take even one step outside, planting sakura bonsai!
It was a coincidence. There is a flower shop who displayed a beautiful sakura bonsai. Tiny, cute, yet charming which then melts my heart. It was the last sakura bonsai at the shop as it is an extremely popular item these days, where people prefer to be at home.

Sakura bonsai to brighten our day!
Sakura bonsai is one of the highest sale flowers this spring to enjoy hanami at home with family or as a gift to beloved ones who can’t enjoy sakura viewing this year. You can find it at offline flower shops as well as the infamous online marketplaces, that are available in various price ranges.
You can get this sakura bonsai from the cheapest one, about 2,000 JPY until the expensive one, about 20,000 JPY depends on the type and the shape of bonsai.
How To Take Care of Sakura Bonsai
Actually, I had no idea that sakura can be bonsai-ed and can easily take care of inside the home. I knew the sakura tree has to be in a large garden to grow bigger and I heard it is not easy to take care of it.
Basically, sakura bonsai is made of a sapling branch of sakura tree with difficult technique. It’s not easy to make a perfect sakura bonsai, that’s why it becomes popular because it is made one-by-one carefully.
On the first day, only a few petals showing while the others still sleep in the buds. There is a QR code attached to learn the instruction about taking care of the sakura bonsai.

Hello, sakura bonsai!

QR code as an instruction to take care of sakura bonsai
First, cut the withered flowers because if it’s there, the flower will not bloom perfectly and it will become cherry fruit (that can be eaten). Then, sink the sakura bonsai’s soil and moss into the water, but be careful to not wet the branch. Then give it fertilizer. The last put the bonsai where the sun shines to give sakura bonsai space for photosynthesis.
On the next day, the flower starts to bloom one-by-one and in 3 days all the flowers were blooming beautifully.
Now it’s been a week and I still enjoying sakura viewing at home until this season end!

Blooms perfectly after one week
Don’t make this corona beat our motivation down! Increase our luck with this tiny little miracle at home!
Stay at home with Sakura Bonsai!
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