Join us to share informative, interesting, exciting information about Japan!
Being A Writer
Writers are freelancers who work for Food Diversity Inc by providing articles based on their own experience in Japan. You will be expected to write articles about food, travel, and lifestyle that can be potentially helpful for Muslim communities in Japan.
Food-related article
*Regarding the article about food, you are requested to create content on the restaurant listed on Halal Gourmet Japan because we take full responsibility for any article posted.
Travel-related article
Lifestyle-related article
Make A Draft
The article should be in English.
If you are mastering Japanese, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia, or Arabic, you can submit the draft of these languages later after your English draft is edited by Food Diversity’s editor and ready to post.
Number of Words
200-1.500 English words.
Please attach a minimum of 3 photos (landscape is preferred) that are clear, high-quality, and related to the story of the article. Please be sure that the photo is original, high-quality, and copyrighted by you.

Sample photos to take
Writing Format
Submit the Draft
Please submit your draft to our editor via Facebook Messenger or email address 「」.
Food Diversity rewards writers after submitted articles are accepted and published on FoodDiversity.Today. The reward will be transferred to the appointed bank account on the 10th of the following month (at the latest).
Important Note
Food Diversity may assign revision to writers if necessary and reject articles depending on our readers’ interests.
For any inquiries, please contact 「」or directly contact Halal Media Japan’s Instagram DM.