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Food Diversity Enlightens Young Muslims on Japan’s Muslim-Friendly Culture

On June 7, 2024, Food Diversity delivered an insightful online speech to students of Politeknik TAKUMI (TAKUMI College) in Cikarang, Indonesia. Over 20 students from various disciplines, including Japanese studies and IT studies, participated in the session.

Promoting Muslim-Friendly Japan

Conducted in a mix of Japanese and Bahasa Indonesia, the session highlighted Japan’s increasing Muslim-friendly initiatives. With Indonesia having one of the largest Muslim populations globally, understanding how Japan caters to Muslim visitors is crucial.

Food Diversity introduced its halal platform, “Halal Media Japan” and discussed various aspects of Muslim-friendly living, including halal food options, prayer facilities, and travel experiences.

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Halal Food and Prayer Facilities

A significant concern among students was the availability of prayer spaces and maintaining daily prayers while in Japan. Food Diversity emphasized that, unlike Indonesia, where Muslim practices are widely observed, Japan is still adapting to these needs. However, the understanding and awareness of Muslim practices are growing, promoting mutual respect and inclusivity.

Travel and Activities in Japan

Regarding travel, the traditional “Golden Route” remains popular among young Muslims. However, there’s a noticeable interest in nature experiences and outdoor activities. Food Diversity’s engagement helped bridge the cultural gap, providing Indonesian students with a better understanding of what to expect when visiting Japan.

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Building Mutual Understanding

The session not only informed Indonesian students about Japan’s efforts to become more Muslim-friendly but also fostered a sense of mutual understanding. Japan’s ongoing efforts to accommodate Muslim travelers, from halal food options to prayer facilities and inclusive travel experiences, demonstrate its commitment to embracing diversity.

Young Muslims planning to visit Japan can look forward to a more inclusive and enjoyable experience, enriched by the insights shared during this informative session. By continuing such dialogues and increasing awareness, both countries can strengthen their cultural ties and promote a more inclusive global community.

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