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The Most Attractive Travel Destination Worldwide, Japan!
World Economic Forum, an international organization for public-private cooperation based in Switzerland, announced that Japan has been chosen as #1 in the Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2021 among the targetted 117 countries, setting aside the USA (#2) and Spain (#3). This is the first achievement of Japan to be on the top after 15 years of the survey started in 2007.
1st Japan
2nd America
3rd Spain
4th France
5th Germany
6th Switzerland
7th Australia
8th England
9th Singapore
10th Italy
TTDI’s benchmarks and measures are, “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the Travel and Tourism (T&T) sector, which contributes to the development of a country”, as mentioned in the TTDI report.
The convenient transportation infrastructures, the abundance of tourism resources such as rich nature and cultures, and good security in Japan are specifically evaluated and bring the nation to #1.
The convenient transportation infrastructure of Japan
Furthermore, Japan’s efforts to roll out various programs to adapt to changing conditions to take advantage of shifting demand dynamics, from a destination point of view, such as providing discounts, coupons, and subsidies for domestic travel are also highly appreciated.
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