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Ready to Visit Japan?
Japan’s government has begun to consider resuming acceptance of international tourists visiting Japan on package tours with guides from 98 countries/regions starting from June 10, as announced by the Prime Minister Kishida on May 26, targeting countries where the COVID-19 has calmed down and countries with the low positive rates. The acceptance will be followed by the ongoing demonstration experiment project and the formulation of guidelines.

Prime Minister Kishida. Source: Mainichi Shinbun
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Japan Announced To Do A Demonstration In Accepting International Tourists From 4 Countries
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced on their website on May 26 that, “From June 10th, if the person in charge of acceptance of travel agencies, etc. located in Japan completes the prescribed application for the Immigrant Health Confirmation System (ERFS), it is considered that there are “special circumstances” for tourism purposes. As a general rule, new foreigners staying for a short period of time will be allowed to enter the country”.
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Furthermore, the Ministry categorized countries into three in terms of acceptance in entering the country based on each country’s infection measurements and conditions, specifically implemented starting from June 1 at 0 am (Japan time).
Official announcement (in Japanese)
BLUE group
For returnees/immigrants from countries/regions as blue, the quarantine station will not carry out inspections at the time of entry and will not require quarantine at home, etc after entering Japan.
Countries in the blue group :
Iceland, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Arab Emirates, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Israel, Italy, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Uganda, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Estonia, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Ghana, Qatar, Canada, Cameroon, South Korea, Cambodia, Greece, Kyrgyz, Guatemala, Croatia, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire, Costa Rica, Colombia, Zambia, Djibouti, Jamaica, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Thailand, Taiwan, Tanzania, Czech Republic, China, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Dominican Republic, Nigeria, New Zealand, Norway, Bahrain, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Paraguay, Hungary, Bangladesh, East Timor, Philippines, Finland, Brazil, France, Bulgaria, USA , Benin, Belgium, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Hong Kong, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, South Africa, South Sudan, Myanmar, Mexico, Mozambique, Monaco, Morocco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Jordan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Luxembourg, Rwanda, Russia
Returnees and immigrants from countries/regions classified as yellow will be inspected at the time of entry by the quarantine station and will be required to do self-quarantine at home for 7 days in principle. If you notify the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of a negative result of the test (PCR test or antigen quantitative test) that you received, you will not be required to continue self-quarantine at home after confirmation by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Among these, returnees and immigrants who hold a vaccination certificate will not be inspected at the time of entry by the quarantine station and will not be required to wait at home after entering Japan.
Countries in the yellow group :
Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Andra, Yemen, India, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Egypt, Eswattini, Eritria, Oman, Carboverde, Gaiana, Kazakhstan, Gabon, Gambia, North Korea, North Macedonia, Guinea, Guinea Bisau, Cyprus, Cuba, Kiribas, Cuba, Cook Islands, Grenada, Kosovo, Comoro, Congo Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, Samoa, Santome Principe, San Marino, Georgia, Syria, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Sulinum, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Equator Guinea, Senegal, Saint Kitts and Nevis -Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadine Islands, Saint Lucia, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Chad, Central African Republic, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Togo, Dominica, Trinidad Tobago, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Tonga, Naul, Namibia, Niue, Nicaragua, Niue, West Sahara, Nepal, Haiti, Vatican City, Banuatu, Bahama, Barbados, Palestine, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Brunge, Vietnam, Venezuela, Belarus, Belize, Peru, Botswana, Portugal, Honduras, Masha
Le Islands, Macau, Mali, Malta, Micronesia, Mauritius, Mauritius, Maldives, Moldova, Libya, Lichtenstein, Liberia, Lesotho, Lebanon
Red Group
For returnees/immigrants from countries/regions classified as red, the quarantine station will carry out an inspection at the time of entry, and be required to do quarantine for 3 days at the accommodation facility secured by the quarantine station.
If the result of the test (PCR test) received at the accommodation facility secured by the quarantine station is negative, you will not be asked to do self-quarantine at home, etc. after leaving the accommodation facility. Among these, returnees and immigrants who hold a vaccination certificate should be inspected at the time of entry by the quarantine station and, in principle, be required to do self-quarantine at home for 7 days. If you notify the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of a negative result of a test (PCR test or antigen quantitative test) that you voluntarily received after the third day after entering Japan and after confirmation by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, you will not be requested to continue self-quarantine at home.
Countries in the red group :
Albania, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Fiji
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Two years after no international tourists visited Japan and now the government is thoroughly considering to re-open the border. The acceptance starts from international tourists with packaging tours and guides from countries with a low positive rate, based on the results of inspections at the time of entry until now. Furthermore, it is said that test and quarantine exemption upon arrival.
Japan is currently the only country in the G7 that still refuses to allow the normal entry of foreign tourists. Although Prime Minister said that Japan’s strict border controls were necessary to buy time to vaccinate the population and ensure that proper health care measures were in place, he added that the government will ease restrictions from here on.
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