Ideas to Keep Active and Productive at Home

During the pandemic of COVID-19, we are requested to stay at home and prevent having direct contact with people and crowds. However, it can’t be helped that we will get bored or out of ideas, but we got you covered! We asked our Muslim sisters and brothers what they are doing at home during this period that you can do too!


The most answer is doing the cooking. As you can gain more time during the self-quarantine, you can challenge yourself to cook Japanese food, for example, or maybe bake a cake you’ve been planned for so long!

You can get the halal ingredients and seasonings at some supermarkets such as Gyomu Super or through the online halal shops.

Learn More About Islam

Ramadan is just in the corner and this is might be a good time to deepening our faith and knowledge about Islam. You can use time more to read Al-Qur’an as well as do jama’ah pray with the family.

Work From Home

With the request to stay at home announced by the Japanese government to all the citizens, Muslim sisters and brothers working in Japan are also requested to have a remote work. Meeting and communication with colleagues are being done through the web conference and chat service.

Work at home may increase your efficiency in doing tasks and skills in time management.

For those who are not in a company, you may plan to open your online shop or get some work-from-home jobs like translation, designing, etc.

Do Hobbies

With all the business, you might not have time to enjoy hobbies. Stay at home allows you to have more time to do hobbies you’ve been missed. If you love to draw, you can improve your skills like draw difficult objects. If you are a movie lover, you may challenge yourself to do a movie marathon (but don’t forget to take rest in between!), or maybe you have an unfinished book to read? Make your time to read it until the end!


You can use the time to brush up your skills as well as obtain a new skill. Maybe you can start to learn Japanese?

Cleaning The House

Spring is here, which means you have no excuses to escape from cleaning the entire house. Cleaning house can be overwhelming and also time-consuming, that’s why this is a good time to do it.  You will find your house will look just like new!

Enjoy the Quality Time With Family

Nothing more important than having a quality time with our beloved family. Busy on work or having a tight schedule reduce your time with them, but stay at home in this period give you a chance to regain togetherness and warmness in the family.