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Eid Mubarak everyone!

Eid or Id Al Fitr is a huge celebration in the Islamic calendar, commemorating the end of the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar calendar. Every day during Ramadan, Muslims around the world spend the daylight hours in a complete fast.

During the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, drinks, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. As a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-sacrifice, Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking. And Ramadan ends when a month later the crescent Moon is spotted, and the festival of Eid begins.

The day of Eid celebrated with attending mosques, visiting family and friends and indulging in traditional foods. The Eid celebration also reminds Muslims to maintain the spirit of Ramadan throughout the year. To promote peace, to be of service to those who are suffering and displaced, to respect diversity, and to empathize with everyone around us.

Malaysian Embassy officials hosted the customary communal prayers and feasting, commonly known among Malaysians as an Open House. Everyone was wearing traditional Malaysian clothing. The women wore ‘Baju Kurung’ and the counterpart for men is called  ‘Baju Melayu’.

The people were welcomed to enjoy the traditional food of Eid, such as Rendang, Lontong, Satay, Ketupat, Lemang and Soto. The Eid, or Hari Raya 1440H celebration received a warm welcome from the Malaysian community attending. Not only from Muslims but also from the non-muslim community who joined as well.

Eid in the embassy is like a remedy to many, as well as a place to meet friends, colleagues, and fellow Malaysians in Japan.