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Recommended for Vegans in Yokohama China Town!

Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture is known as a port town enliven with numbers of European-style buildings. SARIO Heichinsaryo restaurant in Yokohama China Town (which is known as one of the popular tourist spots in Yokohama) offers all plant-based dry curry that is now on sale at a price of 980 yen (including tax)!

SARIO Heichinsaryo has been actively promoting Muslim-friendly services for these recent years, and now also focusing on developing vegan menus that are free from animal-derived ingredients, engaging in the dynamic of diversifying foods. The dry curry that they offer as the new menu this time uses plenty of Omni meat, which is attracting attention as the world’s most advanced food tech, and amazingly reproduces the taste and texture of the real meat. The menu comes with kinds of spices that are appetizing, making it an excellent vegan dish to have in Yokohama.

More about the vegan course in Heichinsaryo main restaurant (in Japanese).

SARIO Heichinsaryo  (Yokohama China Town)

143 Yamashita-cho, Nakaku-ku, Yokoahama-shi, Kanagawa Pref 〒231-0023
11:30~19:00(18:30 L.O.)
Happy Cow

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